Sunday 10 August 2014

What Is Holy Communion?


Today, I received my 50th Holy Communion, after almost 4 months as a baptised Catholic. On this very special day, I'd just like to share my thoughts on what the reception of this Sacrament means to me.

I: Reunion

When Man was first created, he walked with God (c.f. Gen 3:8) - this was his original purpose. When he fell, he lost this fellowship with God, and ceased to walk with Him.

Yet, as I walk back to my pew after making Communion, I am actually walking with God in my very self as I keep Christ's Precious Body under my roof! In me, the Sin of Adam is restored. In receiving Holy Communion, I rediscover the purpose I was created for - that is union with God. As the Catechism puts it, this is the source and summit of my Christian life (c.f. CCC 1324)!

II: Presence

There cannot be a true relationship without presence. Jesus can't claim to love me if He wouldn't make Himself available to me. So, in His unimaginable love, Jesus overcame all obstacles just to be with me.

This He did almost 2000 years ago, when He was about to leave this world. 'Having loved His own who were in the world, He loved them to the very end (Eucharistic Prayer IV)'; as He was about to be betrayed, He took bread and wine, and said over them, "This is my body... this is my blood" (c.f. Mt 26:26-28, Mk 14:22-26, Lk 22:19-20). In this way, He gave me His Real Presence, so that He could be with me even though I am almost 2000 years behind His Ascension.

Substance and time were not the only barriers which separated Him from me. He is Creator - overcoming the physical laws He had Himself set in place was no challenge. The greatest barrier, in my opinion, is rejection. Reading John 22:6-71, we see how Jesus experienced rejection when He taught that we are to eat His Flesh and drink His Blood. 'Because of this many of His disciples turned back and no longer went about with Him (Jn 6:66 NRSV)'. Yet, He still held His ground, just so that I, joining the Twelve in accepting His teaching (c.f. Jn 6:68), may enjoy His very presence for the rest of my life.

III: Commissioning

'Communion always involves a double dimension: the vertical (communion with God), and the horizontal (communion among men),' says a letter from the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. As such, I am called to share the graces I have received at Holy Communion with my fellow men as well.

This I do through offering my service to others, with the list of the Seven Corporal Works of Mercy and another Seven Spiritual Works of Mercy Mother Church has given me as a guide. In this way, I give - as imperfectly as I do - Christ's love to those around me.