Sunday 27 October 2013

Receiving Communion Kneeling as a Symbol of Salvation History


A catechumen myself, I have had many dreams about receiving Holy Communion - it is something I am eagerly looking forward to. I am bent on receiving the Corpus Christi on my knees for the rest of my life because I feel that that is due to my Lord. Recently, I reflected on each action I would have to take when making Communion on my knees, and slowly realised how each action spoke of a milestone in our Salvation History from the Fall of Man to eternal life.

As I fall to my knees, I recall the Fall of Man. Desperate, and in need of a Saviour. 

Then, the priest draws the Blessed Sacrament from the ciborium and brings it down to my tongue. With the ciborium representing heaven, and my tongue the earth, this action mirrors the Incarnation, when "He came down from Heaven" to dwell among us.

I retract my tongue and break the Host with me teeth. The breaking of the Eucharistic Bread signifies the crucifixion and death of Christ, just as during the Fractioning at the Agnus Dei. Therefore, I fulfil Jesus' command. "Take this, all of you, and eat of it, for this is My Body, which will be given up for you." 

Then, I swallow the Host. Now in complete Communion with Christ, I rise to my feet - for just as Jesus rose from the dead, so too am I suppose to rise with Him. For Christ Himself promised, "I am the Living Bread come down from Heaven; whoever eats this Bread will live forever, and the Bread that I give is My Flesh for the life of the world." (Jn 6:51) Thus witnessing how a sinner was saved by the grace of God.

And I awake from my sweet slumber, realising it was all a dream. But I look forward to time when I shall savour the Bread of Life for the rest of my days. For St John Vianney said, "Every consecrated Host is made to burn Itself up with love in a human heart."

Præsta meæ menti de Te vívere,
Et Te illi semper dulce sápere.

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